How to Write Prescriptions Electronically


E Prescribe NurseWriting prescriptions electronically is something that many doctors and nurse practitioners are doing today. It may be easier than you think. There are also many benefits to electronic prescriptions.

For example, without the need for a prescription pad, you have fewer chances for someone to forge a prescription. Another benefit is that the prescription is automatically sent to the pharmacy of the patient’s choice, and filled immediately. This way prescriptions can be picked up within an hour or two after leaving the doctor’s office.

Getting Started with Electronic Prescriptions

Getting started with this process is fairly easy to do, although it does require an investment.

Once you have followed the steps outlined above, you are ready to start writing prescriptions electronically. The process may take a single day to complete, or several weeks, depending on what method you use to register patients into the system.

How to Write Prescriptions Electronically

Prescribing medications has never been easier than it is with ERx software.

Once you have followed these steps you will be able to hit that send button and all of the prescription information will be sent automatically to the pharmacy you chose. The patient need only arrive at the pharmacy with identification and insurance information to pick up their prescriptions. Depending on the pharmacy, prescriptions are typically ready in about an hour.

Benefits of Using E Prescription Software

There are many benefits to using this software. One of the major benefits is that you do not have to spend time making sure that a medication will not have adverse reactions in the patient due to allergies or other medications. All of the medications and allergies your patient has are put into the system when they are registered.

When you create a prescription, the software automatically checks the medication against the information in the database. If there is a danger suggested by that information, a warning will come up letting you know before you actually prescribe the medication. This can save a lot of time on your part, and also acts as a self checking mechanism to ensure that you do not make any mistakes while prescribing medications.

Overall, prescribing medications in this way is easier and safer than the old methods. However, there are some exceptions. Some narcotic medications or medications that are considered controlled substances must be written prescriptions, and cannot be sent electronically. For these prescriptions, the ERx software can prompt you to insert a piece of prescription printer paper (watermarked like typical prescription pads), and it will print the prescription for you so that no prescription pad is necessary.

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